Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Winter Look!

As much as I love fall, it seemed time to give our little home on the web a new look.  So now it's all wintery and icy!  Actually, I pulled up my blog the other day and was shocked at the look of it. It didn't look like our blog, then I remembered I gave it a "face lift"!  Anyway, our family has been really sick with a cold this last week, we barley made thanksgiving then fell into the depths of coughing, aching, boogery nastiness.  Some, including myself, are feeling better, others, are still lazing about on the couch wondering if this cold will ever end!  So that's the reason for the delay on the next house post. 
We love our new farm so much, the biggest bummer, and it is a big one, is that we can't move til April.  The Amish family we bought it from had just put up their animal and people food for winter.  The barns were bursting with hay and grain and the cellar and pantries were stuffed full.  So they asked if we could delay possession until spring.  This honestly worked out better for us as well, it gives us time to get our house ready for the market and also tie up some loose ends here.  It was hard, though, to leave.  I am out of time to write more, Ileighs piano lesson is almost over and I need to pick her up.  Next post I will tell you all about our visit with the Amish and about my buggy ride!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesdays Words of Wisdom


"I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world"

- George Washington

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I know, I know I have been very, very bad.  If I had an excuse it would be that life has been excessively busy.  There was so much going on and then we were out of town, then our Internet went down.  But now all is well, we are still really busy, but we always are so..........

                                               Ok so now on the the really exciting news!  

Isn't she pretty?  She's OURS!! 
Yep, it's a long story, which I will relate in the next post, but she's ours!  40 acres of lovely Missouri farmland.  She's actually an Amish Farm!!  So no electricity, no central heat, no modern anything!!  It's just perfect, really it's exactly what we were looking for! 
Here are more pictures for you to enjoy.
Here is the back/side of the house.  Six bedrooms!! 

A shot from the road, the smaller white building is a Doddy house, (in-laws house), yes...two houses!!!

This is the horse barn, they fill the loft with hay then pitch it through an opening in the ceiling to feed the horses.

This is the garden and orchard, 10 apple trees and the biggest blackberry bushes I have ever seen!

Here is the cold room, it's huge, it's built so it will stay between 48 and 52 degrees, yearound.

The back of the house, four stories!

It also has a 1 1/2 acre stocked pond!

There are about 30 acres of woods on the property, deer, turkey, berry bushes, ect, ect!!

Sorry for all the exclamation points, can you tell we're excited? 
More to come soon,  honest, I won't leave you waiting so long, sorry again!