Saturday, June 26, 2010

Your Going to do What?!

I know it sounds strange, wanting to live back in time, but it's something I've always wanted to do. When I was 13 a wagon train came through El Paso, Tx, sort of a living history museum on wheels. I was in love! I would have jumped on any wagon that would have taken me!! I have always loved "old" things, my mom's mom, Grandma Frankie, also loved old things. She collected antiques before any knew they were antiques. She would embarrass my Grandpa Ralph by making him load up all manner of "junk" and take it home. Because of her, our family has some lovely old things. I think she would be proud of our family, although she might think we're a bit nuts!! Actually I think most people will think we're nuts, I mean in this day and age who goes without electricity on purpose? Well, the Amish, but that's another post. Dane and I have prayed about this for going on 5 years. We finally feel now is the time, our older children are willing and the younger ones are excited! It will be hard to leave family here in New Mexico, very hard, but we feel that this is the direction we should be going. Self-sufficiency is what it's all about, not needing to be dependent on outside sources for food, water, entertainment, ect. Now don't get me wrong, I think we all need a community of like minded folks from which to draw strength and camaraderie. I'm talking about not needing a grocery store everyday just to get by. Dane and I can't think of a better way to show our children the best way to love life than to let them really live it bare bones style!
I have so much more I'd like to write, but the baby is ready for breakfast and he will not wait any longer!

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